CatonLloyd: Audio Visual Solutions since 2007

Audio visual installation for immersive events space, London

Audio visual installation in London for social media events by CatonLloyd Audio Visual. Installation of video & sound mixing desk, cameras & microphones.

Creative audio visual installation for social media giant in London

CatonLloyd worked with our technology integrator partner and the end user social media brand’s team to design and implement the audio visual installation for this versatile, engaging space which is user-friendly, corporate in style and offers great opportunities for the client to promote innovative new content to its users, as well as immersive presentations to colleagues both in London and internationally.

Our installation team completed the full events space audio visual installation, including live video production capabilities, mixing and production desk, adaptations to audio visual rack, presentation tools including remote and timer controls, recording and playback facilities, together with microphones, cameras and relocation of existing audio visual equipment.